Daily, we watch countless YouTube or Facebook shorts. Or we emerge into those 5 minutes video bites among other online activities. These can be wild distractions when you are trying to focus on your study beyond the classroom. In fact, distractions can come from all directions, making it difficult to stay on task. So, here are 5 ways to make the most of your study time WITHOUT distractions.
1. Set a timer

Allot a certain amount of time for studying and set a timer or alarm. This will send a subconscious message to your brain that you have to finish your study by this time. In other words, after the designated study hour, you are free to do what you want.
This would motivate you to focus and stay on track. You will take it as a challenge to complete your task within the given time. Once the timer goes off, you can reward yourself with a break.
2. Block out distractions

Motivation alone cannot make you focused if you don’t have a healthy study environment. Make sure your study space is free from noise and any other distractions. Put your phone on silent and keep it away from you.
If you find yourself getting distracted by the TV or other people around, find a quiet place to study. Make your study space comfortable with a proper desk, seating space and ample lighting to help you focus on your tasks.
3. Take breaks

In the classroom, you have designated time slots for each class. But at home, you are on your own. So, you might think of finishing all your school tasks at once to get done with them quickly. But studying for hours at a stretch may not be the best practice.
Give yourself a break after completing a challenging task. Taking a few minutes to get a snack or stretch so that you can refocus your energy and stay on track.
4. Make a plan

Outside the classroom, no one is going to plan your curriculum. You have to do it on your own. So, before you start studying, create a plan of what you need to do and how long it should take. Having a plan will help you stay focused and organised.
If you have exams or assessments, then draw up a weekly routine to pace out your study load. You can also mix and match between subjects each day so that you don’t get bored studying the same topic monotonously.
5. Reward yourself

When you sit for an exam, the score or rank is your reward. When you excel in your class assessments, your teachers reward you with a variety of incentives. It helps you to eliminate distractions when studying. But what about outside the classroom?
Reward yourself for completing tasks without distractions. Whether it’s a small reward like a snack or a bigger reward like a night out with friends, make sure to recognise and celebrate your accomplishments.
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