Are you heading off to university soon? It can be tough adjusting to life at university when you’re first starting. This new chapter of your life comes with a lot of freedom and responsibility. There may even come a time where you find yourself having too many things on your plate and you’re unsure of how to cope with the stress.
Here are 10 life hacks every student needs to know to make sure your university experience is as easy as possible.
1. Don’t be afraid to ask for extensions
Managing multiple deadlines at the same time can be overwhelming. It can sometimes take a toll on your mental health, thus affecting your productivity and your ability to focus on your assignments. You’ll be surprised to know that some of your other classmates may be struggling in silence to meet their deadlines too, just like you. So don’t hesitate to email your lecturer or meet them in person to ask for an extension! Most lecturers are generous enough to give their students an extra day or two so they can complete their assignment without receiving a penalty for their late submission.
2. Make full use of your student discounts
Take advantage of all the perks you get from having a student ID card. Many restaurants, cinemas, amusement parks, clothing stores, museums and art galleries, and even online subscriptions such asSpotify offer exclusive discounts for students only. Save your allowance, and enjoy special deals and promotions while you’re still studying!
3. Get your hands on free food and drinks on campus
Everyone knows the only way to attract students to attend an event on campus is by offering free food. Keep an eye out for the latest events happening on campus and make sure to sign yourself and your friends up. Not only will you be able to enjoy free food and drinks but this is also your opportunity to take up a new hobby, learn a new skill and make new friends at these events.
4. Prioritize a good night’s sleep
Poor sleeping habits are so normalized among university students. There’ll be times during the semester where you’re forced to pull an all-nighter to study for an exam or complete an assignment at the last minute. However, if you’re getting sleepy and you can no longer concentrate on the work you’re doing then it’s best you call it a night and get some rest. You can wake up early in the morning and face your books when you’re feeling more refreshed.
5. Write down everything you need to get done
Sometimes it does help to write stuff down rather than force yourself to keep a mental list of all the things you need to do. Keep a planner with you at all times or use sticky notes and paste a physical reminder someplace you can see. There’s no way you can forget a presentation or an assignment or a class test now!
6. Don’t hesitate to ask your lecturers a question
As cliche as it sounds, there’s really no such thing as a silly question. Your lecturers are here to help answer your questions so ask as many of them as you like! Not only will you be boosting your engagement in class but you’re also showcasing your enthusiasm in the topic. By being brave and raising your questions in class, you might actually be helping your classmates who needed some clarification on the particular topic but were too afraid to speak up.
7. Get all your important deadlines at the start of semester
Lecturers would usually release course outlines a week or two before the new semester starts. You’d be able to prepare ahead of the semester and find out what your required readings are, what topics you’ll be exploring in class and when all your assignments are due. Keep note of all your important deadlines and create a schedule so you can stay on top of your assignments!
8. Avoid early morning lectures if you can
9. Enroll in your classes on the first day of registration
Seats get filled up very quickly for popular classes. You don’t want to be stuck in a time slot you’d have difficulty waking up for or be forced to take a class you have no interest in learning. So don’t wait too long, coordinate with your friends and try joining the same classes together. This way, you can also hold each accountable and make sure you complete your assignments on time and attend all your classes.
10. Try working from a difference space
It can be so easy to just roll out of bed and go straight to your desk to work on your assignments or study for an exam. But it can be just as easy to go lie back down when you’re feeling unmotivated to do work. Why not try working from a different space and see how that affects your productivity? Bring a pair of headphones to limit your distractions, carry your laptop and your books, and head to the library or visit a cafe near your campus and start working! A change of work environment might do wonders for your creativity and your ability to focus.
Good luck hacking your way through university!
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