You can graduate from school, college or university but your education never stops. It continues beyond the classroom at your home, in your neighbourhood and with your friends. Discover the world around you and learn all the life lessons they have to offer.
At your home
Take a look around. You will find trinkets of wisdom at every corner of your house that teaches you life lessons beyond the classroom. From uncovering the mysteries of the kitchen to learning the stories behind heirlooms, your home is your first and prime learning ground.
In the neighbourhood
Step out of your classroom and explore your neighbourhood. Interacting and bonding with your neighbours gives you a sense of belonging. You learn to respect others, deal with your surroundings and be responsible for not only yourself but the people around you.
In your community
In your classroom, you are surrounded by people of the same age and educational background. But your community is where you share the same culture and environment. Here’s where you learn to take up leadership and collaborate with others to grow as a respected citizen of society.
With your friends
Friends are your life-long teachers be they in or out of the classroom. They root for you even when you yourself want to give up, nudging you when you are wrong, celebrating your achievements and cheering you up when you are down.
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